Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Rhyme Zone Poem"

High School

A buzzing goes off beside my bed
I know it's trying to rouse me awake.
I shut the thing up and put a pillow on my head
Thinking about the geometry test I have to take.

I slowly get dressed while still half asleep
And get ready to go the cafe.
I throw my supplies into a heap
And I'm off to school for the day.

The bell has rung, school has started
I make my way to my class.
Some people will joke and say "Who farted?"
I surely hope they will pass.

Concentration is hard and easily broken
Work is hard to get done.
I blame the one kid next to me who has spoken
and state "Class is not meant to be fun!"

As the bell rings for school to end
I tiredly gather my belongings with sorrow.
I hang out the rest of the day with a friend
And high school begins again tomorrow.

The rhyme scheme of this poem is ABABCDCDEFEFGHGHIJIJ.