Friday, April 22, 2011

Playwrights Summary

Today in class we had discussed what our final playwrights would be about. In the beginning of the class we had played the career game. We had to ask questions in order for a student to guess whyat he or she was as a career. In order to pick our topic we had to see which playwright idead was best out of all three we wrote about. Overall, our class consisted of mainly planning our final playwright and discussing future topics.

Playwrights Summary 4/21/11

Today in class we had discussed what our final playwrights would be about. In the beginning of the class we had played the career game. We had to ask questions in order for a student to guess whyat he or she was as a career. In order to pick our topic we had to see which playwright idead was best out of all three we wrote about. Overall, our class consisted of mainly planning our final playwright and discussing future topics.